Julie Kaufmann's presentation of the Pfitzner Lieder on cpo was already praised for its "consistently outstanding interpretation" (FonoForum 1 / 2000). Now we have been able to engage the internationally sought-after and celebrated American soprano for the 17th installment of our Loewe Edition with the complete Lieder & Ballads. She dedicates herself to a compilation of pieces composed by Carl Loewe in the period between 1767 and 1859. One focus is on the settings of legends, fairy tales and fables, to which Loewe was particularly devoted from an early age. Three later works in this genre of "musical fairy tales" are performed here: Die Schwanenjungfrau, Mummelsee and Jungfräulein Annika. Although all three fairy tales have the naivety typical of the genre, the elaborate musical arrangement demands great virtuosity from the artists.
•Loewe, C: 3 Lieder Op. 103
• Loewe, C: Annunciata (Blumenballade)
• Loewe, C: Balladen (3), Op. 129
• Loewe, C: Balladen (3), Op. 56
• Loewe, C: Der Gesang, Op. 56 No. 2
• Loewe, C: Der kleine Schiffer, Op. 127
• Loewe, C: Die Göttin im Putzzimmer, Op. 73
• Loewe, C: Wechsel