The Sei Terzettini op. 47 are by no means light-weight pieces as the diminutive may perhaps suggest, for it merely indicates that they are two-movement works instead of the usual three or four-movement ones. Indeed, the string trios published in 1793 in the classical instrumentation of violin, viola and cello are outstanding examples of the composer's late style. Anyone who has heard them will agree with Emilio Moreno of La Real Camara that they are jewels of intimacy and tenderness.
Tutto Verdi - The Operas Vol. 2, 1847- 1853 Macbeth, I masnadieri, Il corsaro, La Battaglia di Legnano, Luisa Miller, Stiffelio, Rigoletto, Il Trovatore, La Traviata
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Boccherini, Luigi
Boccherini: Sei Terzettini op. 47
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