Nakład wyprzedany, ostatni egzemplarz (2 szt)This cycle of 21 spiritual madrigals for seven voices is at once the swansong of the most famous composer of his time, who died in 1594 at the age of 62 just three weeks after dedicating the work to the Pope, and the highpoint of Counter-Reformation polyphony. More than four centuries later, the Tears of St Peter still have the power to move. This title was released for the first time in 1994. * Gramophone Collection gave Lassus 'Lagrime di San Pietro' TOP CHOICE, commenting: 'to my mind, it's one of the finest recordings of Renaissance music ever made.'
WYCOFANY Bach: Matthäus-Passion; nagranie 1984 rok
HMY 2921155.57
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Lasso, Orlando di
Lassus: Lagrime di San Pietro
1 szt
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