Handel: Piano Concertos Nos. 13 - 16, after the original for organ
Kirschnereit, Matthias;
Deutsche Kammerakademie Neuss;
Skou Larsen, Lavard
nr katalogowy
CPO 777 854-2
Johann Sebastian Bach's harpsichord concertos belong to the standard repertoire of all world-class pianists, and the principle operating here also applies to Handel. The positive resonance with which our Vol. 1 (???) has met demonstrates the perfect logic of such a transfer of the solo parts from Handel's organ concertos to today's piano. Members of the music press have written: »The recording does indeed pave the way to new access to Handel. It almost seems as if this particular time had been perfectly selected. Handel's organ concertos might have been performed on a piano long ago, but in the twenty-first century this new release offers an acoustic haven of a special kind«
Handel: Piano Concertos op. 7 (w oryginale koncerty organowe)
CPO 777 855-2
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Handel, George Frideric
Handel: Piano Concertos Nos. 13 - 16, after the original for organ
1 szt
64,00 zł
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