This recording, produced by the Bru-Zane Foundation and released by ZZT, is an invitation to discovery: that of Romantic French cantatas by Cherubini, Hérold and Boisselot in the company of an exceptional guide, mezzo-soprano Karine Deshayes, and with the attentive complicity of Opera Fuoco and its conductor, David Stern Composed between 1789 and 1836, these scores bear witness to a genre, the French Cantata, very much present during the Baroque era and restored to favour in the 19th century as a sort of alternative to the Italian stage, generally perceived in France as being overly exuberant. • So discoveries combined with the pleasure of again finding the splendid voice particularly well adapted to this repertoire of Karine Deshayes.
Fauré: La bonne chanson op. 61, Piano Quartet op. 15
ZZT 110302
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Cherubini, Luigi,
Boisselot, Xavier
Boisselot & Cherubini: French Romantic Cantatas
1 szt
79,00 zł
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