Cristobal de Morales: "O Magnum Mysterium” - 14 Christmas Motets
Cordes, Manfred;
Weser-Renaissance Bremen
nr katalogowy
CPO 777 820-2
Yet another Christmas release features the Christmas vocal polyphony of Cristóbal de Morales, who is regarded as the first significant Spanish composer of the Renaissance. Like most compositions for this Christian feast, his Christmas motets circulated and were performed throughout Europe, traveling far beyond Spain's borders. His archaic, mystical, and expressive musical language, which one almost might term placeless and timeless, must have played a role in this dissemination. Moreover, Morales was active not only in Spanish cathedrals but also spent many years of his creative career as a papal singer in the Sistine Chapel in Rome. And it seems to have been precisely this individual blend of Spanish expressivity and Roman strictness – with its added Franco-Flemish stamp – that makes Morales' music so unique and qualifies him as the first genuine European composer of his times.
Selle: Die Auferstehung Christi - Historia, Sacred Concertos & Motets for Easter - Musica Sacra Hamburgensis 1600-1800
CPO 777 396-2
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Cristobal de Morales: "O Magnum Mysterium” - 14 Christmas Motets
1 szt
42,00 zł
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