Nakład wyprzedany, ostatni egzemplarzJUAN CARMONA, THE ALCHEMIST, AND HIS CLEVER BLEND OF FLAMENCO AND WORLD RHYTHMS Seldom has an album lived up so well to its name. With each track, crafted from a combination of precious elements and featuring a whole host of guest stars, Juan Carmona puts the flamenco music so dear to his heart into the arena with jazz, that musical heavyweight, and world music. At times very outward-looking, at times introspective, with this album, he brings his art to a new level and paints a bold self-portrait underpinned by rich variety, freedom, the pleasure of new discovery and exceptionally high standards. The guitarist truly is an alchemist who has found the philosopher s stone by focusing on the music alone. Special guests include: Larry Coryell, Françoise Atlan, Sylvain Luc, Mino Cinelu and more.
różni kompozytorzy,
Pisendel, Johann Georg,
Telemann, Georg Philipp
Treasures of the German Baroque - Telemann Pisendel Schaffrath …
AMY 305
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Juan Carmona: Alchemya
1 szt
109,00 zł
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