Michael Tilson Thomas conducts Ives, Sibelius & Wagner
Boston Symphony Orchestra;
Tilson Thomas, Michael
nr katalogowy
ICAD 5111
In 1970, Tilson Thomas recorded a series of spring concerts with the BSO – and this DVD features titles from that period. Tilson Thomas has long been a champion of the composer Ives, and here conducts Three Places in New England in a concert recorded at Symphony Hall in Boston on 13 January. As Tilson Thomas says, ‘Ives’s music is gleeful, goofy, ecstatic and nostalgic, but always in the service of his larger goal, which is like Mahler’s: to create a whole musical world. ’ The second piece featured is Sibelius’s Symphony No.4 – a notoriously difficult and rhythmically demanding work that Tilson Thomas handles with a brooding grace, enhancing and drawing out the immaculately and intricately created textures. Tilson Thomas studied with Wagner’s granddaughter, Friedelind, and subsequently spent the summer of 1966 as assistant conductor at the Bayreuther Festspiele.
Wagner Edition (25 DVD) Der Fliegende Holländer, Der Ring des Nibelungen, Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, Lohengrin, Parsifal, Tannhäuser, Tristan & Isolde
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Wagner, Richard,
Sibelius, Jean,
Ives, Charles
Michael Tilson Thomas conducts Ives, Sibelius & Wagner
1 szt
89,00 zł
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