Bach, Johann Sebastian;
Saariaho, Kaija;
Ysaye, Eugene
Bach & Beyond Part 1
Koh, Jennifer
nr katalogowy
CDR 90000134
With this CD, Chicago-born violinist Jennifer Koh begins her three-part series "Bach & Beyond" and approaches the question of why classical music is important to society today. In the sonatas and partitas of J. S. Bach, Koh finds both the base from which composers and violinists began their journey and the summit we are still trying to climb. "Bach & Beyond" is a musical triptych, and each of the three parts is intended to help strengthen the connection between the past and the present with a historical journey from Bach to contemporary works.
Tchaikovsky: Complete Works for Violin and Orchestra
CDR 90000 166
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Bach, Johann Sebastian,
Saariaho, Kaija,
Ysaye, Eugene
Bach & Beyond Part 1
1 szt
52,00 zł
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