As part of a particularly ambitious collection of six masses dedicated in 1689 by Johann Caspar Kerll to none other than Emperor Leopold I, the composer's mastery of combining his own contrapuntal ability with the modern concertante style of Italian coinage favoured by the emperor himself, is an outstanding example of the composer's mastery. When the ensemble La Risonanza under Fabio Bonizzoni perhaps moved on rather unfamiliar terrain at the 1999 recording, this was by no means less stylistically confident and sovereign.
WYCOFANY Handel: Olinto pastore, Le Cantate Italiane di Handel Vol. VI, Rome 1708
GCD 921526
Napisz recenzję dla: Kerll: Missa non sine quare
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Kerll, Johann Caspar
Kerll: Missa non sine quare
1 szt
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