Nakład wyprzedany, ostatnie 2 egzemplarzeThis recording presents us with the finest chansons and instrumental pieces of the Spanish Renaissance - the Golden Age which, between the accession of Charles V (1516) to the end of the reign of Philip II (1598), saw the blossoming of an incredibly rich polyphonic output. Of the 'Ensalada' Cervantes tells us that it was 'a kind of song in different metres': it was thus called because it was like a culinary mixture: these 'salads' are an Iberian form of the quodlibet and the Parisian fricassées. [This title was released for the first time in 1998.]
Brudieu: En los mon pus sou dotada del set goigs
Flecha I: Ensalada 'La bomba'
Mudarra: Fantasia del primer tono
Mudarra: Fantasia del quarto tono
Mudarra: Fantasia del quinto tono
Valderrabano: Sobre el tenor del conde claros
Vasquez, J: Agora que sé de amor
Vasquez, J: Cavallero, queraysme dexar
Vasquez, J: El que sin ti bivir, ya no querrìa
Vasquez, J: Gentil senora mia
Vasquez, J: Lágrimas de mi consuelo
Vasquez, J: Mi mal de causa es
Vasquez, J: Ojos morenos
Vasquez, J: Que yo, mi madre, yo