Euroarts presents the fourth release of the successful 4-part Signature Performance series featuring Claudio Arrau. Claudio Arrau, one of the twentieth century’s greatest pianists, performed this concert at New York City’s Avery Fisher Hall in 1983 to celebrate his 80th birthday. In a full concert hall, Arrau demonstrates how he earned this reputation, and why he still deserves it. A Herculean performance of two Beethoven sonatas, the ‘Waldstein’ and ‘Appassionata’, is followed by music of Debussy, Liszt and Chopin. In these six works, we see the truth of Arrau’s own words that ‘an interpreter must give his blood to the work interpreted.’
Chopin: Piano Concerto No. 1, Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 4
ICA C5045
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Beethoven, Ludwig van
Beethoven: Piano Sonatas
1 szt
89,00 zł
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