Bach: Sonates pour violon et clavecin oblige BWV 1014-1019
Rannou, Blandine;
Malgoire, Florence
nr katalogowy
ZZT 050801
"Florence Malgoire and Blandine Rannou know how to turn the interpretative level into an exciting experience: the violin and the right hand of the harpsichord dialogue under high tension, in the fast movements with sparkling, fiery virtuosity, in the slow movements with an incorruptible concentration on stretching out longer ones Phrases and broader melodic arcs. They make the music speak." • RONDO
Forqueray: Pièces de Viole mises en pièces de clavecin
Alpha 322
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Bach, Johann Sebastian
Bach: Sonates pour violon et clavecin oblige BWV 1014-1019
1 szt
139,00 zł
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