Boccherini's inoovative spirit in the field of chamber music helped to create the genres that we now count among the most mature forms of music making: without his string quartets, his string quintets and his piano quintets, important developments in music history would not have been possible, and so on he can be seen as a co-founder of these genres. • With their Spanish coloring, the G 445-450 guitar quintets are a tribute to Spain - the adopted home of the Italian composer. The compositions are arrangements of his own works (piano quintets, quintets for strings and a flute quintet) that Boccherini wrote for the Marquis de Benavente. The quintets are among the most fascinating compositions that were written for this line-up. Boccherini combines the tonal characteristics of the plucked instrument with the stringed instruments to form a homogeneous, but extremely lively quintet movement: virtuoso sophistication, exciting drama and vocal melody unfold their individual charm in the combination of the struck and plucked sound. The guitar gives the string sound in the tutti its own note, it conducts dialogues with the string instruments or alternates with its musical partners. Depending on the mood, Boccherini uses the lyrical side or the percussive power of the guitar.
The Cello in Spain, Boccherini and other 18th century virtuosi
GCD 923103
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Boccherini, Luigi
Edition Luigi Boccherini: Guitar Quintets
1 szt
58,00 zł
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