RIAS Kammerchor;
Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin;
Rademann, Hans-Christoph
nr katalogowy
HMC 902098
Nakład wyprzedany, ostatnie 2 egzemplarze After an acclaimed disc of Johann Ludwig Bach, Hans-Christoph Rademann continues his fascinating exploration of the most famous musical dynasty. Born in 1735, the ‘London Bach’ was the youngest of Johann Sebastian’s sons. He seems to have remained in his father’s shadow until the age of 19, when he had the chance to travel to Italy, very likely to receive guidance from the celebrated Padre Martini, as his (future) friend Mozart was to do some years later. It was in Milan that he wrote the two works recorded here, including an incredible Requiem with a completely unexpected formal design; in matters of style, however, the 22-year-old composer had already laid the foundations of all his later output.
WYCOFANY (zdublowana) Mozart: Don Giovanni (wersja SACD)
HMC 901964.66
Napisz recenzję dla: Bach, J.C.: Missa da Requiem, Miserere B-dur
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Bach, Johann Christian
Bach, J.C.: Missa da Requiem, Miserere B-dur
1 szt
75,00 zł
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