Hidden in Czech music is a magnificent potential of phenomenal musical ideas and original approaches that are in more than a few resepects rooted in Czech and Moravian folklore. This newly compiled collection presents some of the finest examples of what Czech music has to offer in this particular field. It will bring a good deal of enjoyment especially to nonprofessional music-loverswho will find here a valuable source of information on melodies they have long known yet whose origins and composers have so far been unknown to them. Thus they will rediscover music by Antonín Dvořák, as well as by other masters of Czech music: Vítězslav Novák, Zdeněk Fibich, Josef Suk, Leoš Janáček, and others. The individual numbers, mostly digitally recorded, were performed byprominent Czech artists, including the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra and a gallery of top-class chamber players.
Talich Special Edition 1 - Dvorak: Slavonic Dances
SU 3821-2
Napisz recenzję dla: Czech Serenade
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Suk, Josef,
Dvorak, Antonin
Czech Serenade
1 szt
33,00 zł
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