Welser-Möst, Franz;
Orchestra and Chorus of the Zürich Opera House
nr katalogowy
DVD 101563
With this opera, Verdi composed a true music drama. For this great early opera, he demanded from his librettist Francesco Maria Piave a text that would have “extravagance, originality brevity and sublimity.” Thomas Hampson made a triumphant début in the title role of Verdi’s Macbeth in this Zurich Opera production, with Paoletta Marrocu as his beautiful, power-hungry wife. In David Pountney’s hard-edged, post-modern production duality of man and woman is constantly brought into question. His Macbeth is not just a story about the usurpation of a crown with supernatural intervention, it resonates with symbolic references to the battle of the sexes and throws into sharp relief the link between power and gender. A strong supporting cast draws a top quality performance from the Zurich Opera Orchestra.
WYCOFANY Saint-Saëns: Complete Works for Violin & Orchestra, Cello & Orchestra
ZZT 335
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Verdi, Giuseppe
Verdi: Macbeth
1 szt
105,00 zł
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