The classy interpretation of Mozart's Così fan tutte concluded Claus Guth's Mozart-Da Ponte opera trilogy at the Salzburg Festival. Hosted in the intimate surroundings of the Haus für Mozart, the comic tale of fi ancée-swapping is fl irtatiously retold by a dynamic cast and the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra under Adam Fischer. Guth's imaginative production maintains the opera's musical drama and humour in a contemporary setting, where young men test their lovers in an entertaining game of seduction and temptation. Salzburg Festival, 2009
Bernard Haitink – Farewell Concert at Salzburg Festival Concert
Napisz recenzję dla: Mozart; W.A.: Così, fan tutte
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Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart; W.A.: Così, fan tutte
1 szt
120,00 zł
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