Although Johann Adolph Hasse’s compositions brought him fame throughout Europe beginning in the 1730s and renown matched only by that of Handel and Haydn, today his name has virtually vanished from cultural memory: the reliance of his music on traditional genres such as the Italian opera seria served as an obstacle to its enduring popularity after the end of the eighteenth century. While Hasse’s early fame rested above all on his operas, in more recent times it is especially his sacred compositions that have enjoyed immense esteem. He wrote most of these works for the religious services at the Catholic court church in Dresden. His Te Deum of 1751 met with broad dissemination throughout Central Europe. In the Dresden court church it supplanted all other such works from the beginning of the nineteenth century on – and thus came to be known as the Dresden Te Deum. In any case, this work and the other sacred compositions by Hasse heard on this CD merit our full attention!
Machet die Tore weit - Baroque Christmas Cantatas from Central G
CPO 777332
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Hasse, Johann Adolf
Hasse: Te Deum
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