The Habsburg Emperors, famous for their successful marriage politics, were also great lovers or art and music. Emperor Leopold I in Vienna, an avid musician, composer, and viola da gamba player, was responsible for the long and late flourishing of this instrument in Austria. This favorite stringed instrument of the nobility had already vanished in Italy, while Louis XIV, the archenemy of the Habsburgs, continued to favor it at his French court. Thanks to Leopold's influence, a unique repertoire of Italian influence was produced in the Habsburg capital city. The present recording shows us how much the transparent sound of the viol family was valued at the Habsburg court. Chronologically, the compositions recorded here may be divided into two groups. The oldest pieces are creations by the Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand III and his court music director Valentini and his famous organist J. J. Froberger, while the later compositions were written during the reign of Ferdinand's son and successor Leopold I, who employed J. H. Schmelzer as well as Legrenzi, the later maestro di capella at St. Mark's Cathedral in Venice.
Louis Heudelinne & Charles Henri Blainville: Le dessus de viole
PC 10279
Napisz recenzję dla: Works for Viola da Gamba Consort "Felix Austria" - Schmelzer, Legrenzi, Valentini, Froberger
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Works for Viola da Gamba Consort "Felix Austria" - Schmelzer, Legrenzi, Valentini, Froberger
1 szt
38,00 zł
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