Australian Opera and Ballet Orchestra;
Smith, Noel
nr katalogowy
DVD OA F4019 D
Delibes - CoppéliaThis delightful ballet tells the story of Dr Coppelius, an eccentric toymaker, who attempts to bring life to his beautiful doll Coppélia. He is foiled by the mischievous Swanilda, who masquerades as Coppélia and saves her love, Franz, from the Doctor;s magic. Recorded live at Sydney Opera House, this acclaimed production by Dame Peggy van Praagh, the founding Artistic Director of The Australian Ballet, is a triumph. Brilliantly directed by George Ogilvie, Coppélia captures the imagination with its dramatic edge and visual charm. Lisa Pavane, Greg Horsman, Colin Peasley The Australian Opera and Ballet Orchestra Noel Smith DFORMAT: All Formats REGIONS: All Regions PICTURE FORMAT: 4:3 LENGTH: 106 Mins SOUND: STEREO SUBTITLES: N/A RELEASED: 01/10/2006 NO OF DISCS: 1
WYCOFANY Smetana: Dalibor - Opera in 3 Acts (2 CD)
CC 01
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Delibes, Leo
Delibes - Coppélia
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