Hérold - La Fille mal gardéeSet in a peasant village in the French countryside, La Fille mal gardée is a delightful tale of the difficult path of young love. Widow Simone is determined to betroth her wilful daughter Lise to the eccentric son of a rich farmer, but Lise and her lover Colas conspire to thwart the widow's plans. Fiona Tonkin, David McAllister, Ray Powell, Stephen Morgante, Roy Wilson, Mark Brinkley, Ricardo Ella State Orchestra of Victoria / Noel SmithCAT NO: OA F4015 DFORMAT: All Formats REGIONS: All Regions PICTURE FORMAT: 4:3 LENGTH: 104 Mins SOUND: STEREO SUBTITLES: N/A RELEASED: 01/07/2006 NO OF DISCS: 1
Desyatnikov: The Children of Rosenthal, Opera in two acts
MEL CD 10 02432
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