A pupil of the famous Nicolas Lebègue, Nicolas de Grigny quickly dazzled his peers with the daring complexity of his writing. His compositions, veritable Baroque gems, captivated even Johann Sebastian Bach, who meticulously copied his entire organ book. The singular work of the former organist of Reims Cathedral is restored in all its splendour by Michel Bouvard and François Espinasse on the keyboards of the Great Organ of the Chapelle Royale.
•Grigny: A solis ortus •Grigny: Ave maris stella •Grigny: Pange lingua •Grigny: Veni Creator •Grigny: Verbum supernum
Deux Siècles d’Orgue - La Chapelle Royale du Château de Versailles
Alpha 950
Napisz recenzję dla: Grigny: Messe & Hymnes
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Grigny, Nicolas de
Grigny: Messe & Hymnes
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