He was popular and beloved for his melodic qualities like hardly any other central German church musician of the 17th century: the Leipzig Thomaskantor and Director Musices Johann Schelle determined the church music of the Saxon trading and university city for almost a quarter of a century and significantly influenced the development of musical style in central Germany through his numerous and widely appreciated compositions. Schelle had the gift of captivating both laymen and connoisseurs alike. It is known from a contemporary witness, for example, that because of the "sweet honey" of Schelle's church music, listeners always "flew in like bees" to the blossom. Roland Wilson has now recorded a wonderful selection with Musica Fiata and the Capella Ducale, ranging from large-scale festive psalm settings to chamber music sacred concertos for cpo.
•Schelle, J: Ah! Quam multa sunt peccata, Concerto
• Schelle, J: Also hat Gott die Welt geliebet, Cantata
• Schelle, J: Die auf den Herren hoffen, Psalm 125:1-5
• Schelle, J: Durch Adams Fall, Cantata
• Schelle, J: Eructavit cor meum, Psalm 44
• Schelle, J: Gott, sei mir gnaedig, Psalm 51, 3-21
• Schelle, J: Lobe den Herrn, meine Seele