różni kompozytorzy

Bach´s Roots

pełny spis kompozytorów
Pachelbel, Johann;
Bach, Johann Christoph;
Schelle, Johann;
Bach, Johann Michael;
Drese, Adam;
Ahle, Johann Georg;
Drese, Johann Samuel;
Strattner, Georg Christoph
Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin;
Voces Suaves
nr katalogowy
A 566
This first joint project by the Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin and the Basel-based vocal ensemble Voces Suaves is dedicated to the musical milieu into which Johann Sebastian Bach was born, and especially to those composers who had a demonstrable influence on the work of the man who would later become Thomaskantor in Leipzig. In addition to pieces from the Altbachisches Archiv (Archive of the Older Bachs), the album features sacred concertos and early cantatas by Bach’s predecessors and superiors from Arnstadt, Mühlhausen, Weimar and Leipzig, and with them impressive proof of how highly developed the musical tradition of Central Germany then was. Although many of the composers are completely unknown to us today, their works, some of which are recorded here for the first time, provide a fascinating insight into the musical language of late seventeenth-century Germany with its inspiring wealth of colours and forms.



•Johann Samuel Drese: Gott ist unser Zuversicht und Stärke
•Adam Drese: Nun ist alles überwunden
•Johann Pachelbel: Partie IV e-moll
•Johann Pachelbel: Partie a 4 G-Dur
•Johann Christoph Bach: Fürchte dich nicht
•Johann Schelle: Barmherzig und gnädig ist der Herr
•Georg Christoph Strattner: Die Welt, das ungestüme Meer
•Johann Michael Bach: Sei, lieber Tag, willkommen
•Johann Georg Ahle: Wer gnädig wird beschützet
Muzyka klasyczna
data wydania
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Bach´s Roots

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