Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus; Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel

Young & Foolish - Mozart & C.P.E. Bach

Café Zimmermann;
Frisch, Celine;
Melnikov, Alexander;
Valetti, Pablo
nr katalogowy
Alpha 1043
Young and foolish is the title Café Zimmermann has chosen for this programme, which features music from the 1770s and 1780s by Mozart and Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, starting with Mozart’s famous and sparkling Divertimento KV 138. For this fascinating W.A.-C.P.E. face-off, Café Zimmermann has invited an exceptional musician: the fortepianist Alexander Melnikov. They perform the Concerto no.17 in G major KV 453, of which Mozart said in a letter to his father that (like his concertos KV 450 and KV 451) ‘they make you sweat’! Melnikov is joined by harpsichordist Céline Frisch, co-founder of the ensemble, in Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach’s Concerto for fortepiano, harpsichord and orchestra, the only one of its kind ever composed, a work full of energy and mischief.


• Mozart: Divertimento in F major, K138
• Mozart: Piano Concerto No. 17 in G major, K453
• Bach, C P E: Symphony in D Major, H. 663
• Bach, C P E: Concerto for Harpsichord and Fortepiano in E-Flat Major, H. 479
Muzyka klasyczna
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EAN / kod kreskowy
Young & Foolish - Mozart & C.P.E. Bach

(Produkt nie został jeszcze oceniony)

cena 79,00


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