Tartini, Giuseppe

Tartini: Trio Sonatas

Il Demetrio;
Schiavo, Maurizio
nr katalogowy
Giuseppe Tartini (1692-1770) was a virtuoso violinist, composer, theoretician and teacher, a spider in the international cultural web in a time when Italy was the centre of the musical world, his violin school, the “School of Nations”, attracted musicians from all over Europe.

Tartini’s 3-part Sonatas are modeled in 2 or 3 movements, slow-fast or fast-slow-fast, and bear witness of the incredible skill of Tartini’s string playing, being highly melodious works of great beauty and charm. They are played here with two violins, cello and harpsichord.

The Italian group Il Demetrio is dedicated to explore hidden treasures from the Baroque, having discovered and performed works by Mysliveček, Rolla, Cagnoni and others. They collaborated with famous soloists like Giovanni Sollima and Avi Avital. They previously issued a recording of the 4-part Sonatas by Tartini, to great critical acclaim.
Muzyka klasyczna
Brilliant Classics
data wydania
EAN / kod kreskowy
Tartini: Trio Sonatas

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