Olcay Bayır is a British/Kurdish-Alevi singer-songwriter. Her music is infused with personal experiences and cultural heritage, merging the traditional melodies of her homeland with London’s modern cosmopolitan sounds.
Tu Gulî, pays homage to Olcay’s roots, conveying the memory of her ancestors, their stories and sounds of the past - giving a voice to the pains of the valiant people of Anatolia, who persist in preserving their language, culture and traditions despite many injustices. Olcay also pays her respects to all the strong, devoted women of her geography, including her grandmothers and her mother. Her unique personal touches and interpretations shine throughout while still maintaining the originality of the songs.
Telemann: The Grand Concertos for Mixed Instruments
CPO 555 414-2
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Tu Guli
1 szt
58,00 zł
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