różni kompozytorzy


pełny spis kompozytorów
Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel;
Duphly, Jacques;
Geminiani, Francesco;
Benda, Georg Anton;
Fiocco, Joseph-Hector
Bernolet, Korneel
nr katalogowy
RAM 2304
The 18th century had a dynamic musical scene in which much experimentation went alongside respect for accepted traditions. A wide range of hybrid forms emerged in the wake of the French dance suite and the new Italian solo sonata: not only sonatas with divergent forms and suites in which French character titles suddenly gave way to Italian tempo indications, but also everything in between. Korneel Bernolet here presents an anthology of European 'compiled' sonatas in the form of or derived from suites, alongside contrasting compositions that sought the true sonata form. He plays the Joannes Daniel Dulcken magisterial 1747 single-keyboard harpsichord, whose ambassador and titular player he is.


•Fiocco, J H: Pièce de clavecin, Op. 1, "Italian Sonata" in G Major
•Bach, C P E: Pièces de clavecin tirées de différens Ouvrages, "Sonata" in G Minor H. 47, Wq. 65 / 17
•Benda, G: Sei Sonate per il Cembalo Solo, Sonata No. 4 in F Major
•Geminiani, F: Pièces de clavecin tirées de différens Ouvrages, "Sonata" in G Minor
•Duphly: Pièces de clavecin, Livre 2, "Sonata" in D Major
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