Schumann, Robert;
Bach, Johann Sebastian;
Rachmaninov, Sergey
Concertos without Orchestra
Salih Can Gevrek
nr katalogowy
FUG 826
“Concertos Without Orchestra” is the concept of the young Turkish pianist Salih Can Gevrek, Associate Artist at the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel, for his first CD recording. He presents two mirrored works, both of which are imbued with references to the musical style and structure of concertos with orchestra. J. S. Bach’s famous Italian Concerto is subtly linked to Schumann’s lesser known but equally virtuoso Sonata No. 3 in F minor Op. 14, also known as the “Concerto without orchestra”. Rachmaninov’s rarely recorded Moments musicaux complete this musical panorama to commemorate the 80th anniversary of his death. This recording offers the listener a real voyage through the Baroque, Romantic and post-Romantic periods; drama and poetry expressed in music supply the connection between these three very different works.
WYCOFANY Une Passion - Bach: fragmenty Pasji wg Sw. Mateusza + recytacja tekstów pasyjnych
B 3084352
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Schumann, Robert,
Bach, Johann Sebastian,
Rachmaninov, Sergey
Concertos without Orchestra
1 szt
79,00 zł
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