This CD presents romantic piano trios by two female composers, Clara Schumann-Wieck (1819-1896) and Rebecca Clarke (1886-1979). Though of different age and country they shared a common goal: to challenge the male-oriented music society by fighting the prejudices and asserting their own creative and professional powers.
Both trios give testimony to a passionate and emotionally-charged musicality, while the instrumental writing is of the highest caliber, both composers being practicing musicians as well (Clara was a famous pianist, Rebecca a noted viola player).
Played with true commitment by the young Rigamonti Trio from Italy.
Schumann, Clara,
Mendelssohn, Felix,
Schumann, Robert
The Leipzig Circle Vol. II
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Schumann, Clara,
Clarke, Rebecca
C. Schumann & Clarke: Piano Trios
1 szt
55,00 zł
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