Felix Mendelssohn was a child prodigy to rival Mozart and achieved great fame during his lifetime, fêted across Europe, and composing in the widest possible range of musical genres. However, his music has also been denigrated for its elegance, charm and symmetry. This insightful biography explores the breadth of his achievements, the complexities of his privileged upbringing, and the reasons for the fluctuating nature of his reputation. Musical excerpts include the Violin Concerto, String Octet and Elijah, as well as his choral works, symphonies, sonatas and songs.
Mendelssohn: Concerto for Violin, Piano & String Orchestra; Violin Concerto in D minor
CPO 555197
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Mendelssohn, Felix
Great Composers in Words and Music: Mendelssohn
1 szt
58,00 zł
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