Composer and synthesist Matt McBane and the renowned Sandbox Percussion ensemble join forces on Bathymetry — a 40-minute piece in eight movements scored for monophonic Moog analog synthesizer and percussion. Drawing on classical minimalism, electronic textures, ASMR Youtube aesthetics and the diverse palette of ambient modular synth music, Bathymetry features McBane on his Moog Slim Phatty synth, with the members of Sandbox performing on a veritable playground of found instruments (mixing bowls, ping pong balls, glass bottles, etc.), orchestral percussion (vibraphone, tam tam, etc.), and drum sets.
Schubert: Schwanengesang; Brahms: Acht Zigeunerlieder
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McBane, Matt
McBane: Bathymetry
1 szt
64,00 zł
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