Bosch, Leon;
Lviv National Philharmonic Orchestra;
Kuchar, Theodore
nr katalogowy
TOCC 0676
The music of the Ukrainian-born Thomas de Hartmann (1884–1956) is only now beginning to be rediscovered, almost seven decades after his death. The two works receiving their first recordings here reveal a major late-Romantic voice, downstream from Tchaikovsky, a student of Arensky and Taneyev, contemporary of Rachmaninov, and alert to the discoveries of Stravinsky and Prokofiev. The Symphonie-Poème No. 1 – a musical cousin of Rachmaninov’s Second Symphony – occupies a vast canvas and requires a correspondingly huge orchestra, generating a monumental sense of scale from essentially balletic material. The lighter Fantaisie-Concerto for double bass and orchestra moves from tangy dissonance via a tuneful slow movement to a perky, folk-inspired finale.
LES BALLETS TROCKADERO vol. 1- Les Sylphides; Le Grand Pas de Quatre; Yes Virginia, Another Piano Ballet; The Dying Swan; Paquita + Bonus: Behind the Scenes
Napisz recenzję dla: Hartmann: Orchestral Music Vol. 2
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Hartmann, Thomas de
Hartmann: Orchestral Music Vol. 2
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58,00 zł
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