Schubert was known in his time primarily as a composer of songs, but he was also a master of the dance form and wrote prolifically for a middle-class society eager for domestic entertainment. He loved Ländler (triple time country dances), the Écossaises (supposedly Scottish), and the rich variety of genial German dances. Viennese pianos of the day produced a sound that was clear and transparent, very different from modern instruments, and in this recording Yang Liu plays on a Steinway grand and a copy of a mid-1820s fortepiano by Conrad Graf, a maker well known to Schubert.
Schumann, Robert,
Chopin, Fryderyk,
Schubert, Franz
WYCOFANY December Nights
MEL CD 10 02204
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Schubert, Franz
Schubert: German Dances, Ländlers and Écossaises
1 szt
58,00 zł
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