Ars Atlántica;
Vinyes-Curtis, Lidia;
Vilas, Manuel
nr katalogowy
The final volume in this critically acclaimed series presents the last 18 of the one hundred magnificent and varied secular vocal works contained in the so-called Guerra Manuscript. Seven of these tonos (secular Spanish songs) – five of which were written for the stage – are by Juan Hidalgo, one of the leading composers of the Spanish Baroque. Great care has been taken over the use of historically informed instrumentation of the plucked strings and especially the harp, bringing vividly to life the golden age of 17th-century Spanish composition.
The Guerra Manuscript Vol. 1 - hiszpańska świecka muzyka wokalna XVII w.
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Hidalgo, Juan
The Guerra Manuscript Vol. 6
1 szt
58,00 zł
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