Almost three centuries ago, in 1723, Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750) finished writing his Two-Part Inventions, BWV 772–786. Designed for the education of his son Wilhelm Friedemann, these fifteen works explore contrapuntal writing and a variety of different dance styles. Then as now, musicians learned their trade by mastering performance technique and the idiomatic characteristics of their instrument. On this album, pianist Moisés P. Sánchez reinvents this extraordinary set of pieces by employing Bachian principles: reworking on well-known works to translate them into a modern idiom, while retaining their essence. Commissioned by the Fundación Juan March, this project harks back to the original spirit of Bach’s Inventions, taking a creative idea and reimagining it in order to stimulate the musical imagination and seduce the listener with new sonorities.
Bach, Johann Sebastian,
Vivaldi, Antonio,
Handel, George Frideric
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Bach, Johann Sebastian
Bach (Re)inventions
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