Wings of Wisdom - Sacred Chants of Hildegard von Bingen and Medieval Scotland
Canty Ensemble;
Taylor, William
nr katalogowy
DOR 93232
Scotland and the Rhineland, besides being ancestral homelands of the Celts, share a spiritual heritage from the wandering Irish holy men who took Christianity to some of the most obscure corners of Europe. In Scotland's case the missionary concerned was the celebrated St. Columba, a saint much honoured in his own lifetime and ever since. The man who evangelised the pagan tribes of the Rhineland, however, remains much more of a mystery. That peripatetic priest was St. Disibod, an Irish bishop whose life and works have been recorded for posterity solely by the pen of the remarkable Abbess Hildegard of Bingen who entered the religious life, enclosed with the anchoress Jutta in the walls of the Benedictine monastery of Disibodenburg, dedicated to that same, now obscure, Irish saint.• Rebecca Taverner
różni kompozytorzy,
Machaut, Guillaume de,
Hildegard von Bingen
WYCOFANE The Medieval Piper
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Hildegard von Bingen
Wings of Wisdom - Sacred Chants of Hildegard von Bingen and Medieval Scotland
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64,00 zł
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