La Capella Reial de Catalunya;
Savall, Jordi;
Figueras, Montserrat;
Hesperion XXI
nr katalogowy
AVSA 9850
1492 is a fateful year in world history: the "discovery" of America by Christopher Columbus widens the European continent to the world in the modern sense; only in the aftermath of this discovery is it possible to comprehend that the earth is not a disc surrounded by water, but that there is land behind the ocean. Now one can see and understand that the dimensions in which one had felt the earth so far did not coincide with reality. For Spain the year 1492 still has an immense national-emotional connotation: As soon as the Reconquista, the reconquest of the Iberian peninsula from the Moors, is completed, this concept receives a heavenly confirmation, so to speak, by the fact that the country on the edge of the Old World receives immeasurable riches beyond the ocean as a reward for its commitment to the Christian cause. • Jordi Savall places his tour d'horizont about the life of Christopher Columbus in a large historical context: from the cultural heritage of the Moors in Spain and the Spanish Jews, who were soon forced to convert to Christianity or leave the country after the Reconquista, to music from Italy (Columbus was Italian, and Naples came under Spanish influence in the middle of the 15th century) and Spain, to the music of the converted Indians in their own language, the horizon of this universal program stretches. • Once again, Jordi Savall and his musicians have realized a unique intercultural project at the highest artistic level. Paraísos perdidos - Lost Paradises, a title that says a lot about the extinct worlds that left behind a will to expand that subdued the discovery of Christopher Columbus.
ISTANBUL - Dimitrie Cantemir (1673-1723): “Le Livre de la Science de la Musique” et les tradiotions musicales Sépharades et Arméniennes SACD
AVSA 9870
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Christophorus Columbus - Paradisos Perdidos
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