Between the publication of the Second Book in 1701 and that of the Third Book, ten years went by, during which Marais established himself as a composer of tragédies lyriques. In the meantime, however, a number of young viol players, some of whom had been his pupils, had just published their first collections of pièces de viole. Marais therefore had to reaffirm his position as the reigning master of the genre, a mission accomplished to perfection with this new opus, in which he strove to offer his public easier pieces alongside others that of a more demanding nature, in order to ‘satisfy those who are more advanced upon the viol’. His style had changed too: here, character pieces form an increasingly important complement to the traditional suites.
A piacere - Music for viola da gamba: Marais, Sanz, Sainte-Colombe, ...
GCD P33202
Napisz recenzję dla: Marais: Troisième Livre de Pièces de Viole
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Marais, Marin
Marais: Troisième Livre de Pièces de Viole
1 szt
139,00 zł
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