ELGAR: Ave Maria; Give unto the Lord; Te Deum and Benedictus, Op. 34
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Elgar’s sacred choral music possesses the same innate qualities so admired today in his orchestral music, namely an unerring sense for musical development and drama allied to a glorious ear for melody. This collection follows him from early settings for the Catholic liturgy, such as the three Opus 2 anthems written after he had succeeded his father as organist at St George’s in Worcester, right through to his heyday as the Empire’s bestknown composer, commissioned to write powerful settings such as Give unto the Lord for St Paul’s Cathedral in 1914. Great is the Lord of 1912 is considered his sacred masterpiece.
Elgar: The Violin Music - Violin Concerto, Violin Sonata, Miniatures
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Elgar, Edward
ELGAR: Ave Maria; Give unto the Lord; Te Deum and Benedictus, Op. 34
1 szt
58,00 zł
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