This memorable 1954 recording of Die Walküre was both the first complete studio recording of the opera, and the last studio recording made by Wilhelm Furtwängler, who would die less than two months later. The first review of the recording, in the September 1955 issue of The Gramophone described Furtwängler and the Vienna Philharmonic as “the bright particular stars of this performance … every department of the finest quality … so [the opera] shines and glows with light and warmth under Furtwängler’s inspired direction”. There are no better illustrations of Furtwängler’s lasting reputation than this Walküre and his superb 1952 and 1953 recordings of Tristan und Isolde (Naxos 8.110321-24) and Fidelio (Naxos 8'111020-21), Furtwängler’s only studio recordings of complete operas.
Wilhelm Furtwangler Conducts Beethoven Three Symphonies
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Wagner, Richard
Wagner: Die Walküre (1954)
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