Britten, Benjamin;
Bliss, Arthur;
Cooke, Arnold;
Rubbra, Charles Edmund;
McCabe, John;
Bridge, Frank;
Holbrooke, Joseph;
Holst, Gustav;
Howells, Herbert
Eaves, Sylvia;
Kenny, Coutney;
King, Thea
nr katalogowy
CC 9128 CD
Most of the songs o n this record were composed in the first half of the 20th century, not a few between the two wars. This has been an era surprisingly neglected by singers, yet many English composers produced some of their best vocal works during this perio d. Recently the combination of voice, clarinet and piano has proved more and more popular with composers, but it would appear that with Holbrooke’s Tame Cat, he must be counted amongst the first of English composers to write for this medium.
WYCOFANY Music for the Royal Occasion from St. Paul’s Cathedral
CC 9017 CD
Napisz recenzję dla: “Tame Cat” and other songs by British Composers
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“Tame Cat” and other songs by British Composers
1 szt
52,00 zł
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