With a precision, that not even Koopman displays in his recording of Bach's Bach's organ works, the artist describes the history of the organ History of the organ of the church St.-Antoine-l'Abbaye in Isere and approaches Muffat's work meticulously from the his- from the historical side. At the organ he is not at all tempted to temptation to use sounds in the often archaic pieces that are not historically Sounds that could not be historical. Nevertheless, for German Silbermann ears, he elicits unusually colorful for German Silbermann ears and surprises with a powerful Grand Jeux" a powerful Grand Jeux." • H. Kunze in KLASSIK heute 9 / 99
Masters of French Organ - From Louis XIII to the 1848 Revolution
TEM 316045.52
Napisz recenzję dla: Muffat: Toccate & Concerti da Chiesa
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Muffat, Georg
Muffat: Toccate & Concerti da Chiesa
1 szt
68,00 zł
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