Quadriga Consort - the Early Music Band on an expedition to the roots of pop music: old ballads and melodies of the British Isles between exuberant dance music, Celtic-Gaelic songs and English courtly song culture. From the archaic melodies, authentic music of today and tomorrow is created, as we know it only from Quadriga - interpreted so freshly on old instruments that many a pop number of our time fades faster than the deeply moving ancient songs of love, longing, joy and suffering. In five years Nikolaus Newerkla has written over 200 arrangements of old English, Scottish and Irish music for his ensemble. The musicians have selected 21 of these pieces for a best-of concert in the Freistädter Salzhof. With the live CD "Songs from the British Isles" you can sit in the first row foot-free and experience the much acclaimed stage presence, live strength and joy of playing of the Austrian Early Music Band. (quadriga-consort. at)
Ships Ahoy! Songs of Winds, Waters & Tides - pieśni żeglarzy z wysp brytyjskich
Alpha 529
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Songs from the British Isles
1 szt
58,00 zł
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