Jürg Wickihalder: Saxophones Ulrich Gumpert: Piano Jan Roder: Bass Michael Griener: Drums
Welcome to Ulrich Gumpert’s world – a world of hidden beauties, small treasures and bizarre inventions. What makes this world go round and holds it together is a rhythmical drive, interrupted every now and again by short pausing, briefly melting into tonal or noise-like sound, then rolling on as if it was never to stop ... In 2005 Gumpert formed a quartet with Berlin based Ben Abarbanel-Wolff (born in Washington). After recording one album together (Intakt CD 127) they slowly went separate ways. Bassist Jan Roder and drummer Michael Griener stayed on, a quartet with Ken Vandermark came together – their agendas would not match. With Jürg Wickihalder it was to succeed. A New One. Berg Noglik writes in the liner notes: „Gumpert’s quartet. The floating elegance of Steve Lacy, the brilliant perplexing logic of Monk, the earthiness and depth of Mingus, the liberties of Ornette, the sublimity and anthemic quality of Coltrane – all of it adds in here. And it is lifted, in the best sense of the word. They make progress in bringing the swing back to free jazz.“
Beethoven: Sonatas for Fortepiano and Cello Vol. 1
Alpha 835
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Ulrich Gumpert Quartett: A New One
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