Hugo Weisgall, one of the 20th century's most individualistic and creative composers, united an early affinity for the musical aesthetics of Schoenberg, Berg, and Webern with a lifelong commitment to and fascination with his Jewish heritage. His symphonic masterpiece, T'kiatot, is based on a central section of the traditional Rosh Hashana service in which the shofar (ram's horn) is sounded three times. The aweinspiring blasts of an actual shofar are set within a richly chromatic orchestral texture to brilliant effect. The song cycle Psalm of the Distant Dove, based on biblical and medieval Hebrew-Spanish poetry, celebrates the mystical, age-old relationship between God and His loving but suffering people Israel, represented by the image of a dove. Also inspired by the Golden Age of Spanish Jewry is A Garden Eastward, one of Weisgall's most rhapsodic vocal and orchestral conceptions, which the composer once called his "most beautiful work.
Enescu: Violin Concerto; Phantasy for Piano & Orchestra
CPO 555 487-2
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Weisgall, Hugo
Weisgall: Rituals for Rosh Hashana "T'kiatot"
1 szt
58,00 zł
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