Another fine release by Hermann Max and Das Kleine Konzert. This recording is a nice collection of vocal works by an Italian predecessor to Corelli and Vivaldi from around the time of Buxtehude but much later than Monteverdi and a bit later than Cavalli. This cd is more so baroque in sound and style and features good vocalists (though lesser known) and nice playing on period instruments by Das Kleine Konzert, including some solos and continuo duets for curtal played by Jennifer Harris. This cd is a good disc for any baroque music lover, scholar and those particularly interested in composers before the 1685-trio (Bach, Handel, and D. Scatlatti) and the red priest (Vivaldi).
C.P.E. Bach: Die Auferstehung und Himmelfahrt Jesu
Napisz recenzję dla: Melani: L’Europa, Sacred Works
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Melani, Alessandro
Melani: L’Europa, Sacred Works
1 szt
58,00 zł
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