Pandolfi – an Apologia Even in these relatively enlightened times of baroque revivalism it is still necessary to justify an enthusiasm for an unknown composer’s work, lest the cynics assume that novelty value is its only value. It is as if the poor composer is guilty until proved innocent, obscure until proved interesting. From this narrow point of view our CD neatly plugs the gap in between William Young’s ‘Sonate’ (Innsbruck, 1653) and Johann Heinrich Schmeltzer’s ‘Sonata Unarum Fidium’ (Nürnberg, 1664), or between the Italian violin ‘school’ (e.g. Marini and Uccellini) and the Austro-German (e.g. Biber, Walther, Westhof and Albertino), or (depending on the size and shape of your collection) the Monteverdi Vespers and ‘Fiddler on the Roof’ (Skrzypek na dachu).
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Pandolfi Mealli, Giovanni Antonio
Pandolfi: Violin Sonatas
1 szt
79,00 zł
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