Despite a pianistic talent on a par with Prokofieff and Rachmaninoff, and despite a talent as a composer that Rachmaninoff considered to be among the highest of the 20th century, Nikolai Medtner's success lagged far behind that of his two compatriots. The German-born Russian was not prepared to get along with the musical greats of his time. For him Richard Strauss was a "charlatan", Stravinsky a "stubborn", Busoni "knows nothing about composing". Thus, despite Rachmaninoff's friendly help, he fell into isolation, from which he was only freed by his breakthrough with the English public in 1928. After the Second War, Medtner experienced the second stroke of luck of his artistic talent in the form of a series of recordings of his music on vinyl, in which he was able to participate as an interpreter himself until his death in 1951.
Legato - The World of the Piano: Boris Berezovsky - Change of Plans
DVD 2055758
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Medtner, Nikolay
Medtner: Contes & Poemes
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